Monday, May 27, 2024

MLOps Zoomcamp 2024 – Module 2


Module 2 – Experiment-Tracking



Q1. Install MLflow

To get started with MLflow you’ll need to install the MLflow Python package.

For this we recommend creating a separate Python environment, for example, you can use conda environments, and then install the package there with pip or conda.

Once you installed the package, run the command mlflow –version and check the output.

What’s the version that you have?

import mlflow

Answer of Q1: 2.13.0

Q2. Download and preprocess the data

We’ll use the Green Taxi Trip Records dataset to predict the duration of each trip.

Download the data for January, February and March 2023 in parquet format from here.

Use the script located in the folder homework to preprocess the data.

The script will:

load the data from the folder <TAXI_DATA_FOLDER> (the folder where you have downloaded the data), fit a DictVectorizer on the training set (January 2023 data), save the preprocessed datasets and the DictVectorizer to disk. Your task is to download the datasets and then execute this command:

python –raw_data_path <TAXI_DATA_FOLDER> –dest_path ./output Tip: go to 02-experiment-tracking/homework/ folder before executing the command and change the value of <TAXI_DATA_FOLDER> to the location where you saved the data.

How many files were saved to OUTPUT_FOLDER?

  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 7
!python --raw_data_path ~/zoomcamp/myproject/data --dest_path ./output
import os
os.listdir(os.getcwd() + "/output")
['dv.pkl', 'val.pkl', 'test.pkl', 'train.pkl']

Answer of Q2: 4

Q3. Train a model with autolog

We will train a RandomForestRegressor (from Scikit-Learn) on the taxi dataset.

We have prepared the training script for this exercise, which can be also found in the folder homework.

The script will:

load the datasets produced by the previous step, train the model on the training set, calculate the RMSE score on the validation set. Your task is to modify the script to enable autologging with MLflow, execute the script and then launch the MLflow UI to check that the experiment run was properly tracked.

Tip 1: don’t forget to wrap the training code with a with mlflow.start_run(): statement as we showed in the videos.

Tip 2: don’t modify the hyperparameters of the model to make sure that the training will finish quickly.

What is the value of the min_samples_split parameter:

  • 2
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10
!python --data_path "/home/hduser/zoomcamp/myproject/mlops/homework/02/output/"

Answer of Q3: 2

Q4. Launch the tracking server locally

Now we want to manage the entire lifecycle of our ML model. In this step, you’ll need to launch a tracking server. This way we will also have access to the model registry.


Your task is to:

launch the tracking server on your local machine, select a SQLite db for the backend store and a folder called artifacts for the artifacts store. You should keep the tracking server running to work on the next two exercises that use the server.

In addition to backend-store-uri, what else do you need to pass to properly configure the server?

  • default-artifact-root
  • serve-artifacts
  • artifacts-only
  • artifacts-destination

Answer of Q4: default-artifact-root

Q5. Tune model hyperparameters

Now let’s try to reduce the validation error by tuning the hyperparameters of the RandomForestRegressor using hyperopt. We have prepared the script for this exercise.

Your task is to modify the script and make sure that the validation RMSE is logged to the tracking server for each run of the hyperparameter optimization (you will need to add a few lines of code to the objective function) and run the script without passing any parameters.

After that, open UI and explore the runs from the experiment called random-forest-hyperopt to answer the question below.

Note: Don’t use autologging for this exercise.

The idea is to just log the information that you need to answer the question below, including:

the list of hyperparameters that are passed to the objective function during the optimization, the RMSE obtained on the validation set (February 2023 data). What’s the best validation RMSE that you got?

  • 4.817
  • 5.335
  • 5.818
  • 6.336
!python --data_path "/home/hduser/zoomcamp/myproject/mlops/homework/02/output/"
100%|██████████| 15/15 [00:46<00:00,  3.13s/trial, best loss: 5.335419588556921]

Answer of Q5: 5.335

Q6. Promote the best model to the model registry

The results from the hyperparameter optimization are quite good. So, we can assume that we are ready to test some of these models in production. In this exercise, you’ll promote the best model to the model registry. We have prepared a script called, which will check the results from the previous step and select the top 5 runs. After that, it will calculate the RMSE of those models on the test set (March 2023 data) and save the results to a new experiment called random-forest-best-models.

Your task is to update the script so that it selects the model with the lowest RMSE on the test set and registers it to the model registry.

Tip 1: you can use the method search_runs from the MlflowClient to get the model with the lowest RMSE,

Tip 2: to register the model you can use the method mlflow.register_model and you will need to pass the right model_uri in the form of a string that looks like this: “runs:/<RUN_ID>/model”, and the name of the model (make sure to choose a good one!).

What is the test RMSE of the best model?

  • 5.060
  • 5.567
  • 6.061
  • 6.56
!python --data_path "/home/hduser/zoomcamp/myproject/mlops/homework/02/output/"

Answer of Q5: 5.335

Saturday, May 18, 2024

MLOps Zoomcamp 2024 – Module 1 – Introduction




The goal of this homework is to train a simple model for predicting the duration of a ride – similar to what we did in this module.

Q1. Downloading the data

We’ll use the same NYC taxi dataset, but instead of “Green Taxi Trip Records”, we’ll use “Yellow Taxi Trip Records”.

Download the data for January and February 2023.

Read the data for January. How many columns are there?

  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

import pandas as pd

# Load the data for January 2023
url_january = ''
df_january = pd.read_parquet(url_january)


Answer Q1 : 19

Q2. Computing duration

Now let’s compute the duration variable. It should contain the duration of a ride in minutes.

What’s the standard deviation of the trips duration in January?

  • 32.59
  • 42.59
  • 52.59
  • 62.59

import numpy as np

# The columns 'tpep_pickup_datetime' and 'tpep_dropoff_datetime' are required to calculate the duration

if 'tpep_pickup_datetime' in df_january.columns and 'tpep_dropoff_datetime' in df_january.columns:
    # Compute the duration in minutes
    df_january['duration'] = (df_january['tpep_dropoff_datetime'] - df_january['tpep_pickup_datetime']).dt.total_seconds() / 60

    # Compute the standard deviation of the duration
    std_dev_duration = round(np.std(df_january['duration']), 2)

    print("Standard Deviation of Trip Durations in January 2023:", std_dev_duration)
    print("The necessary columns are not present in the dataset.")
Answer Q2 : 42.59\

Q3. Dropping outliers

Next, we need to check the distribution of the duration variable. There are some outliers. Let’s remove them and keep only the records where the duration was between 1 and 60 minutes (inclusive).

What fraction of the records left after you dropped the outliers?

  • 90%
  • 92%
  • 95%
  • 98%
# Compute the duration in minutes
df_january['duration'] = (df_january['tpep_dropoff_datetime'] - df_january['tpep_pickup_datetime']).dt.total_seconds() / 60

# Filter the records to keep only those with duration between 1 and 60 minutes (inclusive)
df_filtered = df_january[(df_january['duration'] >= 1) & (df_january['duration'] <= 60)]

# Calculate the fraction of records left
fraction_left = round(len(df_filtered) / len(df_january), 2)

print("Fraction of records left after dropping outliers:", int(fraction_left * 100), "%")

Answer Q3 : 98%

Q4. One-hot encoding

Let’s apply one-hot encoding to the pickup and dropoff location IDs. We’ll use only these two features for our model.

  • Turn the dataframe into a list of dictionaries (remember to re-cast the ids to strings – otherwise it will label encode them)
  • Fit a dictionary vectorizer
  • Get a feature matrix from it

What’s the dimensionality of this matrix (number of columns)?

  • 2
  • 155
  • 345
  • 515
  • 715
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer

# Assume df_filtered is already defined and filtered
# Ensure the columns are of integer type first (if they aren't already)
df_filtered.loc[:, 'PULocationID'] = df_filtered['PULocationID'].astype(int)
df_filtered.loc[:, 'DOLocationID'] = df_filtered['DOLocationID'].astype(int)

# Create a copy of the DataFrame and convert IDs to strings in the new DataFrame
df_filtered_str = df_filtered.copy()
df_filtered_str.loc[:, 'PULocationID'] = df_filtered_str['PULocationID'].astype(str)
df_filtered_str.loc[:, 'DOLocationID'] = df_filtered_str['DOLocationID'].astype(str)

# Turn the DataFrame into a list of dictionaries
dicts = df_filtered_str[['PULocationID', 'DOLocationID']].to_dict(orient='records')

# Fit a dictionary vectorizer
dv = DictVectorizer()
X = dv.fit_transform(dicts)

# Get the dimensionality of the feature matrix
print("Dimensionality of the feature matrix (number of columns):", X.shape[1])

Answer Q4 : 515

Q5. Training a model

Now let’s use the feature matrix from the previous step to train a model.

  • Train a plain linear regression model with default parameters
  • Calculate the RMSE of the model on the training data

What’s the RMSE on train?

  • 3.64
  • 7.64
  • 11.64
  • 16.64
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# Fit a dictionary vectorizer
dv = DictVectorizer()
X_train = dv.fit_transform(dicts)

# Prepare the target variable
y_train = df_filtered['duration'].values

# Train a linear regression model
lr = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Make predictions on the training data
y_pred = lr.predict(X_train)

# Calculate the RMSE on the training data
rmse = round(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred)), 2)
print("RMSE on training data:", rmse)

Answer Q5 : 7.64

Q6. Evaluating the model

Now let’s apply this model to the validation dataset (February 2023).

What’s the RMSE on validation?

  • 3.81
  • 7.81
  • 11.81
  • 16.81
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# Load the data for January 2023
url_january = ''
df_january = pd.read_parquet(url_january)

# Compute the duration in minutes
df_january['duration'] = (df_january['tpep_dropoff_datetime'] - df_january['tpep_pickup_datetime']).dt.total_seconds() / 60

# Filter the records to keep only those with duration between 1 and 60 minutes (inclusive)
df_filtered = df_january[(df_january['duration'] >= 1) & (df_january['duration'] <= 60)].copy()

# Cast IDs to string after ensuring they are of object type
df_filtered['PULocationID'] = df_filtered['PULocationID'].astype('object').astype(str)
df_filtered['DOLocationID'] = df_filtered['DOLocationID'].astype('object').astype(str)

# Turn the DataFrame into a list of dictionaries
dicts = df_filtered[['PULocationID', 'DOLocationID']].to_dict(orient='records')

# Fit a dictionary vectorizer
dv = DictVectorizer()
X_train = dv.fit_transform(dicts)

# Prepare the target variable
y_train = df_filtered['duration'].values

# Train a linear regression model
lr = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Load the data for February 2023
url_february = ''
df_february = pd.read_parquet(url_february)

# Compute the duration in minutes
df_february['duration'] = (df_february['tpep_dropoff_datetime'] - df_february['tpep_pickup_datetime']).dt.total_seconds() / 60

# Filter the records to keep only those with duration between 1 and 60 minutes (inclusive)
df_feb_filtered = df_february[(df_february['duration'] >= 1) & (df_february['duration'] <= 60)].copy()

# Cast IDs to string after ensuring they are of object type
df_feb_filtered['PULocationID'] = df_feb_filtered['PULocationID'].astype('object').astype(str)
df_feb_filtered['DOLocationID'] = df_feb_filtered['DOLocationID'].astype('object').astype(str)

# Turn the DataFrame into a list of dictionaries
dicts_feb = df_feb_filtered[['PULocationID', 'DOLocationID']].to_dict(orient='records')

# Transform the validation data using the same dictionary vectorizer
X_val = dv.transform(dicts_feb)

# Prepare the target variable for the validation data
y_val = df_feb_filtered['duration'].values

# Make predictions on the validation data
y_pred_val = lr.predict(X_val)

# Calculate the RMSE on the validation data
rmse_val = round(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_val, y_pred_val)), 2)
print("RMSE on validation data:", rmse_val)

Answer Q6 : 7.81

MLOps Zoomcamp 2024 – Module 3

Module 3: Orchestration Source mlops-zoomcamp/03-orchestration at main · DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp ( Homework The goal of this...